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official partner in assessing the fair value of assets
For over 100 years, Grant Thornton has been helping dynamic organizations realize their strategic ambitions. The company has scale coupled with local market understanding. We are pleased to have the opportunity to provide you with the services of Estimating the fair value of assets and liabilities in accordance with international financial reporting standards for the purpose of reflection in the financial statements prepared under the first IFRS.
62,000+ employees
Total revenue in 2021 USD 6.6 billion
In more than140 countries
725+ offices
Америка - 39 стран, 17 000+ сотрудников
Европа - 44 стран, 15.201 сотрудников
Африка - 23 страны, 2 643 сотрудников
Средний Восток - 9 стран, 753 сотрудников
СНГ - 11 стран, 1 089 сотрудников
Азия - 19 стран, 16 185 сотрудников
Grant Thornton and I go beyond the norm to create a unique solution. We take a more personalized approach and are more flexible and proactive. We challenge conventions in search of better solutions. So that our people, customers and communities can positively influence tomorrow.
Grant Thornton's corporate culture is based on a genuine interest in the success of its clients - achieving their goals, developing and expanding their business activities. Clients always receive the attention they need from senior professionals who are willing to meet them halfway, ask the right questions, listen to you and provide real analysis and clear expert opinion.
The reach of our network and its structure create additional opportunities for our clients. We apply an efficient structure with shorter decision-making chains, empowered specialists and simple vertical management. We have all the necessary procedures and control systems, but they are streamlined and effective. Our specialists respond faster to customer requests.
Our experts share ideas that go beyond technical aspects to offer opportunities to grow your business more effectively. We balance the desire to do what's best for you in the future with an experienced understanding of what will help you now.
We work through issues with you, offering an independent and, where necessary, critical point of view. Our collaborative working style also allows us to organize working groups that bring together specialists across different service types, industries and geographic regions, resulting in the most precise direction and scope of services for the client.
Revenue in 2021
Offices in the regions
Employees in Uzbekistan
Partners in Uzbekistan
International Star for Quality Leadership
Al -Best Corporate Tax & Audit Advisory - Europe & Award for Excellence in Statutory Audits 2017.
Top 10 most successful enterprises in Uzbekistan.
The company has a license from the State Property Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the right to evaluate businesses, all types of tangible and intangible assets (series BL 001 No. 0143, RR00113, reissued on March 31, 2011).
The Company's specialists have about 25 years of experience in the market.
The company has a high business activity rating on the national scale uzA2.
Our services are insured by the Professional Liability Insurance Policy of the appraisal organization GARANT INSURANCE GROUP LLC.
The company is a member of the Association of Appraisal Organizations.
The company has a license from the State Property Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the right to evaluate businesses, all types of tangible and intangible assets (series BL 001 No. 0143, RR00113, reissued on March 31, 2011).
The Company's specialists have about 25 years of experience in the market.
The company has a high business activity rating on the national scale uzA2.
Our services are insured by the Professional Liability Insurance Policy of the appraisal organization GARANT INSURANCE GROUP LLC.
The company is a member of the Association of Appraisal Organizations.